Assistive technology is available at 赌钱app可以微信提现.
For more information about how to use these resources, please contact Access Services.
Accessible Workstation Locations
- Academic Achievement Center
- Academic Resource Center Open Lobby
- Cav Central
- Language Resource Center
- Math Resource Center
- Science Resource Center
- Writing Center
- Open Computer Labs
- LIB 227
- RC 335 - CIS/IT
Screen Reader Software
- Screen Reader For Windows OS:
- JAWS (Job Access With Speech) is for computer users whose vision loss prevents them from seeing screen content or navigating with a mouse. Braille output is available to use the internet, write a document, read an email and create presentations.
- About JAWS software
- JAWS documentation, including quick start guide
- This free, high-quality screen reader for Microsoft Windows can translate most languages from around the world, no matter the location.
- About NVDA software
- Screen Reader For Mac OS X:
- VoiceOver
- VoiceOver is a customizable screen reader built into macOS. It is compatible with more than 100 refreshable Braille displays and can even support multiple displays. It uses many of the same gestures used from iOS and iPadOS.
- VoiceOver user guide
- VoiceOver
Magnification Software
- ZoomText
- This magnifier/reader software enlarges and enhances everything on a computer screen, echoes typing and essential program activity, and automatically reads documents, web pages and email.
- About ZoomText software
- ZoomText user guide
Reading/Writing Software
- Read&Write
- This intuitive, easy-to-use software used text-to-speech, dual color highlighting, dictionaries and dictation for documents, web pages, Google Docs, PDFs and ePubs using text-to-speech, dual color highlighting, dictionaries and dictation.
- Read&Write installation instructions: Each of the links will prompt users to download the client or extension. After the installation has completed you will use your or to activate the license.
- Read&Write Desktop for Windows
- Read&Write Desktop for Mac
- Read&Write for Google
- Read&Write for Android
- Read&Write for iPad
- Read&Write quick reference guides
Digital Math Software
- Equatio
- This equation editor saves time, can lower stress and minimize frustration. Equatio makes creating digital math easier and makes science more accessible and engaging, too.
- About Equatio software
- Equatio quick reference guide
Voice Recognition
- Windows Speech Recognition
- Windows Speech Recognition uses commands controlled by voice recognition alone without needing a keyboard or mouse.
- About Windows Speech Recognition software
- Windows Speech Recognition reference guide
- Voice Control
- Voice Control for ChatGPT supports multiple languages and allows you to have voice conversations with ChatGPT using a recording button. Send your voice queries to ChatGPT and responses are read aloud making it easy to carry on a conversation.
- Voice Control for ChatGPT
- Voice Control for iPhone
- Dragon® Professional
- Dragon® Professional expands your spoken thoughts into text as your voice commands the action. Dictation and transcription capabilities are fast and accurate. Edits are easily made using voice, too.
- Dragon Professional quick start guide (PDF)
Visual Interpreting Service for Blind
- Aira is a visual interpreting service with live, on-demand access to visual information. It’s an accommodation and productivity tool that connects visually impaired students to actual humans to simplify daily life.
- About AIRA software
- AIRA quick start guide
- To become a 赌钱app可以微信提现 user with AIRA contact Access Services.
Notetaking Support Software
- This tool records classes so students can listen back at their own pace. A notetaking platform includes organized notes, labels and photos. More features make it easy to add slides, headings and search recordings. Available for laptop and smartphone. Automatically syncs between devices.
- About GLEAN
- Digital voice recorders
Assistive Communication Devices
- UbiDuo 3 Wireless
- The UbiDuo 3 SGD (Speech Generating Device) is lightweight, portable and comes with a two-way communication system as an add-on option. The dedicated SGD makes face-to-face communication fast and easy for users who have severe speech impairment.
- About UbiDuo software
- UbiDuo quick start guide (PDF)
- Sorenson nTouch Videophone and app
Closed Circuit Televisions (CCTVs)/Video Magnifier Locations
- Academic Achievement Center
- Science Resource Center
- Math Resource Center
- Access Services
- Media Services
- Testing Services
Braille Embosser
This embosser is available in Regnier Center 335 CIS/IT Open Computer Lab to anyone needing to produce hard copy Braille or tactile images. The embosser is networked to the Accessible Workstation which has Duxbury Braille Translation software.
Other equipment available through Access Services
- LiveScribe pen
- Livescribe smartpens sync to an app and keep notes organized. The specialized pens transform handwritten notes to text and use Pencast to sync audio to your existing notes.
- LiveScribe quick start guide
- Pocket Talker: Sound amplification system
- This personal headset is a sound amplification system that looks like a Walkman®.and is helpful for those who need some hearing assistance in small groups and in one-on-one conversations.
- Pocket Talker quick setup guide (PDF)